If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
- Wayne Dyer
Maybe unconventional beliefs are a bit too much for you. That’s okay! I don’t have to bring the woo if you don’t want it.
But maybe this is right up your alley.
If it is, here I come with the woo, baby!
What areas of your life are in need of attention? Career, relationships, health, better sleep, anxiety management? Perhaps you are ready
for a change but you don’t know where to start.
Here's the thing. Changing your space can change your life. For real.
We can align your space to support your goals. This doesn’t mean you need a renovation. (If you do, that’s fine, too.) This is simply a method of small changes focused on clearing energy from your space which changes the flow, or Chi, to support those goals.
I have studied spirituality, leadership, and metaphysics for over 20 years. I am an initiated Priestess and a certified crystal healer. I have developed a proprietary method of divination that combines the ideas of feng shui and interior design, with the Native American medicine wheel, the chakra system in the body, color healing, and nature correspondences.
This Home Alignment system is specifically designed to target and clear the energy in your home that is not serving you, or your highest good, so we can replace it with energy that is serving you. Energy that helps propel you toward your goal or to simply helps you feel more relaxed at home.
Here’s how it works: We locate stuck energy and emotions in your home using tools of divination. I can explain how the misalignment in a particular area is affecting the people who live and move through the space. I suggest corrections to the misalignment. Corrections may be as simple as moving a particular item to or from that area. It may be adding a crystal, scent, or color. It could be rearranging a room. If you are someone who is preparing for a larger renovation, this can look like intentional selection of materials and colors that support you and your family. After we make corrections, we test the space to confirm that we have done all we can for now. Then we see.
I do this work in my own home. When I realign a room there is a distinct difference in the feeling.
I can do this for your home or business. I can even help you clear stuck energy in the body! This work often comes with channeled messages that help you move forward after the clearing.
The length of time this takes can vary, but you should plan for at least an hour. I focus on my work so it is thorough and efficient.
First session: $75
Regular session price $65
or, get 3 sessions for $175
home | body alignment
here comes the "woo"
Working with Jackie and doing the home alignment was very informative and helpful. I love the many levels of looking at the way your living space can support you in your life, journey, and growth. I like that it gave me another set of tools. Jackie makes it easy to be open to looking at things in a new way and I felt supported in the process the whole time. Since working with her I've been looking at my living space differently and implementing the new tools. Besides feeling a shift in my living space I also feel it translating to my life whether is clarity, inspiration, energy, etc. It's just what l needed to assist/push me to the next level of creating what I want in my life.
- Lauren Sicher
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